How to choose a handbag for your body type.
Picking the right bag that fits your style, your body type, and your needs can be a bit more difficult then expected. If its anything from judith leiber purses to finding your own unique handbags that match your personality and tastes. One of the most common tips is that when shopping for a handbag one that is opposite of your body type is going to be one of the most flattering ones. So take your bags to the dressing room, carrying it normally and check it out in the many different angles.
Example tall and thin people should consider shorter handbags, the slouchy shapes similar to hobo. Shoulder bags that have short straps are going to make you look even taller, so go for ones with more width. However it is just the opposite of you area petite, many popular Hollywood photos show these gody giant bags, but that shouldn’t be the first choice for smaller women. They will overwhelm your frame and large shoulder straps will make you look much shorter while also weighing you down. It’s important to pay attention to these fine details.
Another good one to look for is plus-size, if you are a more curvacious woman you’ll want to stay away from smaller bags or small prints as it will make you appear larger. Get a boxy bag, that will compliment your curves.